Fabiana teaches at:
· University Hildesheim / 
Center for World Music (CWM) / jazz violin, improvised music & composition
· Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) / Institut für Musikpädagogik / Jazz, Rock & Pop / violin 
· Universität der Künste Berlin (UdK) / Fakultät Musik / Neue Musik / violin

For private instructions on jazz violin and its sub genres, as well as classical violin lessons, online lessons, masterclasses and workshops please send an email to: fabianastriffler(at)gmail.com or visit our workshop website for more details:
artful music improv

music workshop “Improvisation On String Instruments”, Berlin

music workshop “The Art Of Improvisation” @ “Il Doccione” tuscany, italy

program for children @ Konzerthaus Berlin

interdisciplinary workshop at the “International Council on large Electric Systems” (Cigre). “Improvisation At Work”, palais des congrès Paris

concert and workshop for refugees at center ICC, Berlin (yehudi menuhin accociation)

I wanted to thank you for the advices you gave me, it boosted my motiviation. Thanks a lot! (Sebastien Paz Ceroni, Belgium)

This was such an amazing workshop and everyone of us took tons of beautiful and useful bits and pieces out of it.